Wildfire Monitoring Camera Deployment Plan Tool

Free web application for authoring theoretical wildfire monitoring camera placements, with live wildfire data and analysis tools.

The original project description is as follows:

"Project 2, developing web based software for choosing the best location to install early wildfire detection cameras. The Glendora Community Conservancy will be the first area of interest as we can then use it as a test site for Project 3, camera installation ."

This website uses data from OpenStreetMap contributors and Esri. It was built using Leaflet.js and vanilla js.

Developed by William Miranda-Hill in collaboration with Dr. Andrew Raubitschek


Those who use the web application will be able to: reference up to date geographic data visualizations to identify locations in need, use the deployment plan authoring tools to place theoretical wildfire cameras, specify the cameras’ viewfields, find their geodesic land area coverage, find their minimum, maximum, and average elevation, find their average Wildfire Hazard Potential index coverage, and generate viewshed-based coverage analyses.

The user can choose to view: OpenStreetMap data, topology, satellite, shaded relief base map layers, and overlay: active wildfire perimeters, wildfire incidents, Wildfire Hazard Potential index, and Wildland-Urban Interface. Additionally, a user can overlay regional boundaries, like for the Bluebird Ranch property, or locate any map features with a geocoded search functionality. If they choose to, they can optionally register an account, with a user name, email, and password, and login to save their deployment plans to the server, each plan being available to preview later in their dashboard.

Any user who intends to use the plans they have created in real world deployment can export the generated geoprocessing metrics as plain text, or print a preview of the plan.


> ALERTWildfire.org

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> OpenStreetMap project

Free user editable map of the world.

> Esri wildfire map

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